Online board meetings are an online meeting that involves the use of a reliable video conference software to conduct meetings. The meetings can be conducted at home or other locations with internet access. They offer many benefits including greater nonprofit governance as well as more efficient meeting times and a greater diversity of participants.

The first thing to bear in mind when conducting a virtual board meetings is that you double-check with the mission-driven organisation or company you are a part of and local laws and regulations regarding these kinds of meetings. They are generally forbidden by the internal policies of certain mission-driven companies and organizations, and may be illegal in certain states or regions.

Before any virtual meeting, participants should ensure that their equipment (computer, headsets, microphones) is functioning properly. The organizer of the meeting should prepare an agenda and invite everyone to join. They must attach a copy of the agenda to the invite to the calendar so that everyone is informed and can provide notes, comments or feedback prior to the date. This will help streamline the meeting and increase engagement.

During the meeting, board members should adhere to online meeting protocol by turning off their cameras and only speaking when asked to speak. The chair of the meeting should ask for volunteers to lead the discussion and select an official notetaker. The chair of the board should conduct quick check-ins to ensure that everyone is on the same page and is on the same page.

After the meeting has ended, it’s important to follow-up with any deadlines or action items which were discussed in person or on the online board platform. This will ensure accountability and allow board members to reach out to members who aren’t executing in their responsibilities.

board portals

By admin

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